Dr. Steve Auerbach
“I have always been interested in health and well being.” says Dr. Steve Auerbach

Dr. Steve Auerbach
Actually, when I was about 5 years old, I announced to my parents that I wanted to be a clown when I grew up because I saw that people needed to laugh more. My older brother told me I couldn’t do that because I would have to travel with a circus and never see my family! I told them I would then choose to be a doctor. If I couldn’t make people laugh I could at least make them well.
I’m happy to say that I found a profession that combines both of my wishes! Healing is my main focus, but we tend to have a lot of fun in my office. Laughter is great medicine!
The road to chiropractic…
Dr. Auerbach began his pre-chiropractic education at Rhode Island College and St. Louis CC leading to a B.S. degree in Human Biology. Here he studied the basic sciences such as inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry and biology, along with basic physiology and anatomy courses.
After completing his study there, he was accepted at Logan College of Chiropractic in St. Louis, Missouri. During his four years at Logan, courses included a major emphasis on anatomy and human physiology, x-ray, diagnosis, chiropractic adjusting techniques and patient care in the Logan College Community Health Center where he was a student leader. During this time he also received his certification in acupuncture. After graduating Cum Laude in 1992, Dr. Auerbach returned to New York City and associated in a prestigious Manhattan office for a while before settling into the Highland area to establish his own practice.
Dr. Auerbach loves the Hudson Valley, the people, the mountain lakes and streams, the fresh air and all the great outdoor activities that it offers.
Chiropractic can help you!
We are committed to directing people to the realization that life and healing come from within; and that ultimately the maintenance of health is superior to the treatment of disease.
We see a broad spectrum of people from the newborn to the elderly. My youngest patient was 5 minutes old and my oldest so far was 100 years old! I love to see families participate together as they learn a new model of health care. The results I have seen over the years is nothing short of inspiring to me!
By the way, I still remember all of the concerns and apprehension I had when I went to a chiropractor for the first time. So we always make it a point to explain everything in advance, answer questions and attempt to over communicate. Patients appreciate that.
On a personal note…
Dr. Auerbach has always been very community minded. His many Kid’s Day Wellness Fairs in the Bridgeview Plaza are looked forward to by everyone. He is a past president of the Highland Rotary, has sat on the Board of Directors of the Southern Ulster Chamber of Commerce, and was a founding board member of the Highland Cultural Center.
As many of Dr. Auerbach’s patients know, he has been a longtime student of meditation and eastern as well as western philosophy. He studied in India for 5 years and lived a monastic life for 14 years. He was then director of a non-profit organization in Honolulu for 6 years where he taught meditation and yoga. These skills all encourage balance of body, mind and spirit, which are the cornerstones of true health. Service Above Self, and giving back to the community has always been the hallmark of Dr. Auerbach’s philosophy.
Dr. Auerbach and his family get their own chiropractic adjustments regularly. They do their best to eat right, exercise right, and manage stress with meditation and a healthy respect and love for life. The Auerbach children have been raised without drugs or “outside-in” approaches. They use a healthy dose of natural herbs, homeopathic remedies and good old common sense to take care of their health needs. Health really does come from within.
Contact Auerbach Family Chiropractic Center today!
Enough about me! How can we help you with today’s safe and natural chiropractic care? Give our Highland chiropractic office a call so we can help you take your first step towards better health.